2020 RWDCA Driver Membership form…

Happy 2020 everyone!! The membership form is available now. The updated page also gives you the option to pay online. https://rwdca.com/member-checkout/
The Form: It can be filled out online then printed and mailed or saved and emailed, messenger, etc. Once your membership is paid I will make you a 2020 member card. Checks are to be made to RWDCA
HEADS UP: I have the preliminary dwarf schedule, we are looking at 13 races (14 counting Friday’s race @ the national). The first race is MARCH 8th, get your cars ready. Personal favor, pay your dues early to relieve some stress off the board members. You’re encouraged to have your crew members join, they get to vote on club doings and get a discount at Petaluma and most other WSDCA supported tracks.